Single values: 0–0,05–0,1–0,25–0,5–1 mg/l, complete with reagent. 1 set reagents (2x 52 ml)for approx. 100 analysesMeasuring time: approx. 2 minutes
Gold Analysis with a Hydrazine Test Kit
Refill pack: 1 set of TESTOVAL Iron reagents for the concentration range 0-1 mg/l FeThe individual values ...0.05 mg/l0.1 mg/l0.25 mg/l0.5 mg/l0.75 mg/l1 mg/l ... can be read by optical colour comparison. By diluting the water sample 1:10 with distilled water, the measuring range can be extended to 10 times the concentration. Only the reagents are included in the scope of delivery. The complete colorimetric test kit is also available in the shop.1 set of reagents Analyses: approx. 100Measuring time: approx. 7 minutesAlso available in our shop: Complete Testoval test kit iron (II) + (III) dissolved 0-1 mg/l: order no. 410547
Spare colour comparator TESTOVAL Iron 0 - 1 mg/l Fe: Order no. 410549
Refill pack: 1 set of TESTOVAL Iron reagents for the concentration range 0-10 mg/l FeThe individual values ...0.25 mg/l0.5 mg/l1 mg/l2.5 mg/l5 mg/l10 mg/l ... can be read by optical colour comparison. Only the reagents are included in the scope of delivery. The complete colorimetric test kit is also available in the shop.1 set of reagentsAnalyses: approx. 60Measuring time: approx. 7 minutesAlso available in our shop: Complete Testoval test kit iron (II) + (III) dissolved 0-10 mg/l FE: order no. 410544Spare colour comparator TESTOVAL Iron for the concentration range 0-10 mg/l Fe: Order no. 410546
Refill pack: One set of reagents for TESTOVAL® PH-CHLORINE DPD for the rapid manual analysis of the pH-value in the range pH 6.8 - 8 and chlorine content in water in the concentration range 0 - 1 mg/l free and total chlorine.1 set reagents for approx. 180 analysesMeasuring time: 5 minutes
Refill pack: Reagents for the rapid manual analysis of aluminium content in water in the concentration range 0-1,5 mg/l Al.1 set reagents (1xA, 2xB)for approx. 130 analysesMeasuring time: approx. 6 minutes
Refill pack: Reagents for the rapid manual analysis of ammonium content in water in the concentration range 0-10 mg/l NH4+.1 set reagents (1xA, 1xB, 1xC)for approx. 70 analysesMeasuring time: approx. 4 minutes
Refill pack: Reagents for the rapid manual analysis of chloride content in water.1 set of reagents (3xA, 1xB)for approx. 40 analysesMeasuring time: approx. 3 minutes
Refill pack: Reagents for the rapid manual analysis of hexavalent chromium content in water in the concentration range 0-5 mg/l Cr.1 set reagents (1xA, 2xB)for approx. 180 analysesMeasuring time: approx. 3 minutes
Refill pack: One set of reagents for Testoval® Nitrite for the rapid manual analysis of nitrite content in water in the concentration range 0-1 mg/l N02-.1 set reagents for approx. 100 analysesMeasuring time: approx. 15 minutes
Refill pack: One set of reagents for TESTOVAL® PHOSPHATEST® (ORTHO-PHOSPHAT) for the rapid manual analysis of phosphate content in water in the concentration range 0-10 mg/l P2O5.1 set reagents (2xA, 1xB, 2xC)for approx. 180 analysesMeasuring time: approx. 5 minutes
Refill pack: One set of reagents for TESTOVAL® PH-VALUE 5.5-8 KIT for the rapid manual analysis of pH-value of water range pH 5.5 - 8.
1 set reagents for approx. 250 analysesMeasuring time: 1 minute
Refill pack: One set of reagents for TESTOVAL® PH-VALUE 8-12
Reagents for the rapid manual analysis of pH-value of water range pH 8 - 12.1 set reagentsfor approx. 250 analysesMeasuring time: approx. 1 minute
Refill pack: One set of reagents for TESTOVAL® SILICATE DISSOLVED
1 set reagentsfor approx. 10 analysesMeasuring time: approx. 19 minutes
Measurement parameters:
Silicate, SiO2
Measuring range:
0-10 mg/l SiO2.
Color comparison kit for the rapid manual analysis of silicate content in water in the concentration range 0-10 mg/l SiO2.
Refill pack: One set of reagents Testoval® Sulfite Measurement parameters: Sulfite Measuring range: 0-20 mg/l SO32 Application: Colour comparison kit for the concentration range 0-20 mg/l SO32-. 1 set reagents (1xA, 1xB)for approx. 150 analysesMeasuring time: approx. 3 minutes Also available in our shop:Complete Testbesteck TESTOVAL Sulfit: Order-nr. 410634Replacement Color Comparator Sulfit: Order-nr. 410636